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Bridge Academy


Welcome to the Alumni pages for former students of The Bridge Academy.

We want to keep in touch with our Alumni. We are interested in what you are doing and hope that many of you will come back and inspire our students.  

You can join our alumni network on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/the-bridge-academy/ go to ‘View Profile’ (click on the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn home page), click on Education and start typing in Bridge Academy and it should come up as an option. Click on it and ‘save’.

You may need to re-add the Bridge Academy page so you are linked to the correct account.

The Education section won’t appear if you don’t have any education entries listed on your profile. To add an Education section to your profile and to populate it:

  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage, then View Profile.
  2. Click Add profile section in the introduction section.
  3. From the Core dropdown, click Add education.
  4. Type your education information into each applicable field.
  5. Click Save.

To see other alumni, go to the Bridge Academy home page and click on the ‘alumni’ tab.

You can also register with Future First (it takes 2 minutes to sign up) just click here. You’ll receive a few emails a year sharing news and opportunities to get involved. 


  • As a former Bridge student we would like you to benefit from our new partnership with www.unifrog.org/ an online platform that provides students with impartial and independent guidance on the full range of post-school options.  It also helps students to explore their interests, different career pathways, find opportunities, compare every undergraduate university course in the UK as well as international opportunities, and access Further Education courses and a comprehensive list of apprenticeships.  If you would like your own personalised link, please contact diana.mensah@bridgeacademy.hackney.sch.uk 
  • upReach deliver a comprehensive professional development programme to students with less-advantaged backgrounds upreach.org.uk
  • Not sure if you have got any of the skills employers are looking for? Turn your everyday life into skills you put on your CV. Find out just how employable you are, visit www.themix.org.uk/work-and-study/getting-a-job/how-to-make-your-cv-standout


Helping others:

Would you have benefited from hearing from former students about life after school before you left the Bridge? Could you provide valuable insights to current Bridge students? We are looking for help from you that will inspire the next generation. Visit our Volunteering Page.

We look forward to hearing from you: diana.mensah@bridgeacademy.hackney.sch.uk 


Mr Chris Brown

Vice Principals:
Kelly Harris
Samuel Alner
Alison Underwood

Finance &
Resources Director:

Ken Robb