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Bridge Academy

Curriculum Intent Statement

Curriculum intent


Powerful knowledge

  • The core knowledge and subject specific skills which are foundational to future success in the subject
  • ‘The Canon’: The best of your subject; the parts of your subject which enable students to access society in a way which would be impossible they didn’t know them (Cultural Capital)
  • The disciplinary knowledge to enable students to critique the Canon

Optimal sequencing

The curriculum:

  • Is delivered in an order which maximises students understanding
  • Gradually increases in complexity, with prior knowledge being built on over time
  • Is designed to ensure retention of key concepts, including through weekly and monthly review

High-quality delivery

  • Subject expertise, research informed pedagogy and classroom management are at the centre of great teaching. These are at the centre of our CPD programme and our lesson design.
  • We respect the distinct ‘grammar’ of individual subjects. Lesson delivery is built around the Rosenshine principles, adapted for each subject area
  • We prioritise high quality explanations, assessment and feedback and highly tailored deliberate practice.

Mr Chris Brown

Vice Principals:
Kelly Harris
Samuel Alner
Alison Underwood

Finance &
Resources Director:

Ken Robb