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Bridge Academy


Key Stage 3 Summary

Across Key Stage 3, students develop core geographical skills through a range of human and physical geographical topics.

They will explore different places, at a local, national and global scale and understand how physical processes shape our earth. They will also consider how people exist in different environments, how they impact on these environments and ultimately how they can be managed sustainably in the future.

Curriculum Map:

  Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Year 7 Fantastic Places Flood Alert! My Place: Hackney
Year 8 Life at the extreme Population and Migration Physical geography of the UK
Year 9 Changing Economic World Hazardous Planet Sustainable futures

Students will work both individually and collaboratively in geography. They will develop their written and spoken communication as well as developing their enquiry skills and ability to use geographical information to make decisions. 

Key Stage 4 Summary

At Key Stage 4, we study the new AQA geography GCSE over a two-year course.

The course builds on skills and content studied in Years 7 to 9 and covers half human, half physical geographical topics, outlined below:

  HT1 HT2 HT3 HT4 HT5 HT6
Year 10

The Living World

Living World / 
Changing economic world

Changing Economical World / physical landscapes of the UK:  Coasts Physical landscapes of the UK:  Coasts Urban issues and challenges including Stratford field work Urban issues and chall-enges incuding Stratford field work
Year 11 Chall-enge of nat-ural hazards Chall-enge of natural hazards / chall-enges of resource manage-ment Chall-enge of resource manage-ment / issue evaluation Physical landscapes in the UK:  rivers including fieldwork Revision of all units and prepara-tion for exams  

Two non-residential fieldwork days are required and students will visit local urban area Stratford to study urban issues and challenges and either the River Chess in Amersham for ‘Rivers’, or Epping Forest for the ‘Living World’.

Students are assessed through 3 papers at the end of year 11 – Paper 1: Physical geography,

Paper 2: Human geography and Paper 3: Issue evaluation and field work. 

Key Stage 5 Summary

 At Key Stage 5, we study the new AQA geography AS level over one year and the AQA A level over two years.

Students will deepen their knowledge of the processes shaping our planet and how humans interact with their physical environment. We study topics hugely relevant to current global changes and it is an excellent bridge to studying geography at degree level, as well as other subjects such as geology, environmental sciences, economics and politics.

The topics we teach are outlined below:

  Term1  Term 2 `Term 3
Year 12


Changing Places

Includes fieldwork

Contemporary Urban Environments

Revision and AS (x 2)

Independent fieldwork investigation (3000-4000) word exam (x2) 

Year 13

Global governance


Water and carbon cycles Revision and A Level exam (x2)

Students will become increasingly independent across their A Level years in order to prepare them university and beyond.  Students are required to read around the subject frequently and develop their own specialism and specific topics of interest.

Useful Links

Geography in the news!

Something geographical happens every day- whether it’s an earthquake or landslide, mass migration or a flood. Keep up to date with news stories happening in the UK and around the world by checking these websites:



Geography Games

Develop your knowledge of where countries, continents and oceans are located.



How can I revise Geography?

It is really important you use your green exercise book to revise- this should act as a revision guide.

Below is a list of websites that can also help with your revision.

When you’ve decided what you need to revise (by using the learning ladder or PLC to check for gaps in your knowledge or skills), try one of these activities:

1. Make flash cards of key words or concepts and then practice with a friend or family member

2. Create a mind map from memory of a topic. Then check your notes and add to your mindmap in a different colour.

3. Answer an exam question. Then mark it using a mark scheme (see below for GCSE and A level links to papers). Now use your notes to make your corrections until you have a full mark model answer.

Outgoing GCSE specification- Year 11 only – Edexcel B

Specification: qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/GCSE/Geography-B/2009/Specification%20and%20sample%20assessments/9781446911914_GCSE_Lin_Geog_B_Issue_5

Exam papers and mark schemes: qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-gcses/geography-b-2009.coursematerials.html#filterQuery=Pearson-UK:Category%2FExam-materials

Online textbook: www.gcsegeography.co.uk

Key Stage 4 Revision – AQA

Specification: filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/geography/specifications/AQA-8035-SP-2016

Grade descriptors: www.gov.uk/government/publications/grade-descriptors-for-gcses-graded-9-to-1/grade-descriptors-for-gcses-graded-9-to-1-geography

BBC Bitesize:  www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography

Helpful web pages: www.bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/11_16/site/geography 
(make sure you choose the 14-16 year old options).

Key Stage 5 Revision – AQA

Specification: filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/geography/specifications/AQA-7037-SP-2016

Physical geography e-book: www.physicalgeography

Hazards and coasts videos: oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/learning

Coastal erosion case studies: www.bgs.ac.uk/research/climatechange/environment/coastal/caseStudies

Changing Places: www.ons.gov.uk



Mr Chris Brown

Vice Principals:
Kelly Harris
Samuel Alner
Alison Underwood

Finance &
Resources Director:

Ken Robb