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Bridge Academy


Key Stage 3

In Mathematics Year 7 and Year 8 work on building fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills across a wide range of topic.

Students receive four hours of Mathematics lessons per week, and are expected to complete up to an hour of homework each week to independently consolidate learning.

The breakdown of content covered in the Year 7 and Year 8 curricular are outlined below.

Topics covered by the Year 7 and Year 8 curricular are outlined below.

Year 7




In Year 9 students begin a  three-year programme of study to prepare them for GCSE Mathematics. Most students will begin by studying the Crossover Pathway, designed to provide all students with the foundation skills needed to be successful in GCSE Maths. Higher attaining students then go on to study the Higher Pathway in Year 10. There is additional intervention available for students who need support in accessing the GCSE curriculum.

KS4 students have 4 hours of Mathematics per week and are expected to use Sparx Maths to consolidate their learning outside of the classroom.

All students sit Edexcel GCSE Mathematics and some students are invited to sit Further Mathematics in Year 10.

The Curriculum Plans for GCSE Mathematics can be found here

The course specifications are linked below:

Sample Assesment GCSE Maths

Further Maths

Key Stage 5

In A Level maths, students follow the Edexcel curriculum, which provides the opportunity to deepen their understanding of topics in pure mathematics. Students particularly enjoy working to gain a conceptual understanding of new topics as well as those covered at GCSE, including trigonometry, graphical and algebraic representations. In recognition of the challenging nature of this course, we enforce a strict boundary of grade 7 in GCSE Maths for students joining A Level. Despite this, Maths remains extremely popular at Bridge, and as teachers we enjoy working with talented students who show a real commitment to their success.

At Bridge we are proud of our record, which has seen Bridge in the top 25% of schools for progress in A Level Maths for each of the past 5 years. Former students have gone on to study Mathematics and related disciplines at a range of prestigious universities including Oxford, Cambridge, and sites in the United States. We are also incredibly fortunate in our link with UBS, with UBS staff spending a significant amount of time mentoring students in Year 12 and 13, making Bridge among the most successful Sixth Forms in Hackney for Maths and further Maths.


A level Maths

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Year 12

Pure content

•Surds and Indices •Quadratic functions & equations •Simultaneous Equations •Coordinate Geometry •Graphs of Polynomials & Factor Theorem •The binomial expansion •Vectors


Applied content

•Probability•Binominal Distributions•Modelling in Mechanics•Constant acceleration•Forces and motion

Pure content

•Differentiation •Integration •Trigonometry •Exponentials & logarithms


Applied content

•Hypothesis testing •Representing data •Data collection •Measures of location & spread •Correlation and regression •Variable Acceleration

Pure content

•Proof •Further Differentiation



•The large data set.


Revision and AS exam 

Year 13

Pure content

•Further Trigonometry •Functions •Further Differentiation •Further Integration •Sequences and Series •Parametric equations •Numerical methods •Vectors  

Applied content

•Correlation and regression•Conditional probability •The Normal distribution •Moments•Further Forces•Projectile motion •Further Kinematics

Revision and A Level exam

The specification for this course is available at:

Course Specification


A Level Further Maths

This course allows especially talented and interested Mathematicians the opportunity to explore new areas of the subject, including complex and imaginary numbers; proof; and mathematical modelling of real-world situations. This course is particularly highly valued for those students looking to apply mathematics at the higher level, including Engineering, Physics and of course Pure Mathematics.

Further Maths students consistently reach exciting destinations for further study, with recent alumni at Oxford, Warwick and Chicago. At Bridge Academy, students follow the OCR/MEI specification, which allows the greatest flexibility in course material, with some students specialising in mechanics or statistics, and some choosing a wider mix of elements.

The specification is available here:
Course Specification

Mr Chris Brown

Vice Principals:
Kelly Harris
Samuel Alner
Alison Underwood

Finance &
Resources Director:

Ken Robb