Every Child a Musician
All students at Bridge Academy learn to play an instrument. Students are allocated an instrument in year 7, when they learn in small groups. If they graduate at the end of the year, they move on to professional models of their instrument and receive individual or paired lessons with a peripatetic music teacher. We aim to provide an outstanding standard of teaching and facilitate a high level of musical achievement for our students, taking full advantage of our superb facilities and harnessing the substantial contributions of our many exciting partner organisations. Music can make a powerful contribution to students’ education, development and future success. We aspire to sustain a wide and deep engagement with music.
All students will:
- Have a practical and physical of performing and creating music
- Take ownership of their instrumental ability and responsibility for practicing
- Access the language(s) of music
- Have genuine opportunities which enrich their cultural capital
Music at The Bridge Academy offers:
- Ensembles (extra-curricular and in class)
- Peripatetic lessons
- Concert performance opportunities
- Playing in a group (class or enrichment)
- Contribution to social and individual wellbeing
- Music’s contribution to cultural life
Music offers the opportunity to develop imagination and resourcefulness, resilience, problem-solving, team-working and technical skills.
‘These are the skills which will enable young people to navigate the changing workplace of the future and stay ahead of the robots, not exam grades.’ (Tristam Hunt)
Music at Bridge
Key Stage 3
Our Key Stage 3 Overview can be found here
Key Stage 4
Our GCSE Overview can be found here
Our Rock School Level 2 course details can be found here
Key Stage 5
BTEC LEVEL 3 National Extended Certificate in Music Performance (Pearson)
Over the two year course you will study the following units:
- Unit 1 Practical Music Theory and Harmony (90)
- Unit 2 Professional Practice in the Music Industry (externally assessed) (90)
- Unit 3 Ensemble Music Performance (externally assessed) (120)
- Unit 4 Composing Music (60)
Our KS5 BTEC Music course details can be found here
How to succeed in this subject
The key is to focus on a musical instrument, which could be the voice or any other instrument, and to play it, or sing, every day.
We have an open-practice club every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and open access to music technology on the same days. Additionally, we run around 20 different clubs so get involved and get singing and playing! It is important to have an open mind about music and to actively seek out new listening experiences.
Useful Links: