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Bridge Academy

Mental Well-Being

At The Bridge Academy we believe that every student should be cared for, both physically and mentally. With the current difficult climate we face, it is more important than ever to pay closer attention to our mental well-being and each other’s.

At The Bridge Academy, we offer a range of different interventions to support our young people’s well-being.

Please contact the Academy if you are worried about your child and would like to speak to a member of the Safeguarding or Pastoral team on 0207 749 5240.

What is Mental Health?

Our Pastoral Care System

The Directors of Learning (DOL) and Deputy Directors of Learning (DDOL) are responsible for the academic success of all students as well as supporting any pastoral needs. If you would like to discuss your child please get in touch with your child’s DOL / DDOL via this link.


Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is a subject where pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to  manage their lives, now and in the future. These skills and attributes help pupils stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life beyond The Bridge  Academy.


Within the study of PSHE students cover three strands:

  • Relationships and Sex Education
  • Living in the wider World
  • Health and well-being  


In teaching PHSE at The Bridge Academy we aim:

1) To give children the information they need to make good, informed decisions about their own mental and physical health and wellbeing,

2) To recognise issues in themselves and others,

3) To seek support as early as possible when issues arise.


The Bridge Academy recognises that the transition from adolescence to adulthood can be exciting yet challenging, and the difficulties a young person may face can require additional support. To help students negotiate these ups downs, the school has on-site counsellors.

Counselling may help with the following:

  • Anxieties about schoolwork including exams and presentations
  • Problems with communicating
  • General stress and anxiety 
    Sadness and depression
    Relationship difficulties
    Eating problems
  • Bereavements and parental separations
  • Loneliness, emptiness or feeling overwhelmed by emotions
  • Lack of self-confidence or low self-esteem
  • Managing transitions
  • Making difficult decisions
  • Traumatic experiences including rape, assault and abuse
  • Difficulties with alcohol or drugs
  • Issues around sex and sexuality
  • Self-injury
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Anger management
  • Worries about appearance


  is our counselling service for Years 7, 8 and 9. 

Janet Pearce is the School Project Manager for Place2Be at Bridge Academy and works with Year 8 and 9. Janet is typically in school every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Sarah-Jane Appleton is the Mental Health Practitioner for Place2Be at Bridge Academy and works with Year 7 and is in school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

To contact the Year 8 team, please click here and speak to the Director of Learning

If you would like any more information or to talk about the Place2Be service at Bridge Academy, you can contact Janet or Sarah-Jane by calling the school on
0207 749 5240, or via the Place2Be website.

KS4 / 5  (yearS 10, 11, 12 and 13)

Kate Clark, Charlotta Mason and Ricardo Da Costa provide an on-site counselling service to students in KS4 and KS5 (Years 10, 11, 12 and 13).

They are qualified and experienced counsellors working in accordance with the ethical framework of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP). 

If you are a student or parent and would like to meet to discuss counselling or make an appointment, Kate is your first point of contact.

Please email Kate Clark .


The Wellbeing and Mental Health in Schools (WAMHS)

This innovative service aims to improve mental health and wellbeing support for children and young people in schools, colleges, specialist and alternative provision education settings in City & Hackney.  It also aims to promote cohesive and cooperative linked working between schools and mental health services, and to increase access and capacity to identify early and meet wellbeing and mental health needs of all pupils
within schools.

Our Educational Health Mental Practitioner (EHMP) is Danila De Morais

Our EHMP offers focussed evidence-based support to young people and their parents/carers when young people are experiencing difficulties with their emotional wellbeing that might best be managed within a school setting.

The MHST will work with groups of young people, parents, and where it might be helpful, with parents alone or with their children.


 If you would like support on WAMHS contact Ali Aiba our Mental Health Lead




Kooth, from XenZone, is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use


Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.



The Anna Freud Centre is a world-leading mental health charity for children and families and has developed and delivered pioneering mental health care for over 60 years.

Free and confidential hep for young people in the UK.




The BBC Headroom provides tips and tools to help improve your Mental Health and Well-being.

Help and advice for LGBT communities and their allies.      




First Steps in Hackney helps children and young people experiencing many common problems with emotional wellbeing, relationships and behaviour. Their aim is to easily accessible support – the first steps – to tackle problems early before they can become more of a worry. Young people over 16, and the parents or carers of younger children, can come to us directly. Or you may be referred to us by a professional such as a GP, school or college staff or a health visitor on 020 7014 7135 between 9am and 5pm weekdays

Off Centre is a counselling, art therapy, advice and information service for young people aged 16-25 in City & Hackney. The services are designed to help young people take greater control over their lives. They offer a range of support, from 1-2-1 counselling and art therapy to advice and key-working. They also run an art therapy group and an LGBTQI+ youth group. Services are free and confidential. Provision of some face to face services have been affected by COVID on 020 8986 4016 or OffCentre@family-action.org.uk

CAMHS also offer a 24 hour Crisis Helpline – free, confidential, expert advice for anyone experiencing a crisis, including support and referrals to local services. 0800 073 0006. Lines are open all day, every day.

Services available with referral are:

Specialist CAMHS: 0203 222 5600 (9am- 5pm, Monday to Friday)



Mr Chris Brown

Vice Principals:
Kelly Harris
Samuel Alner
Alison Underwood

Finance &
Resources Director:

Ken Robb