Progression Programme for parents and carers
Our Progression Programme supports The Bridge Academy Mission: to ensure that every student can succeed at a good university or equivalent, thrive in their chosen field and live a great life.
All students are on our Progression Programme from Year 7 to Year 13. Our Programme is designed to make sure our students are as prepared as possible to move to each new stage of their lives: whether that is moving from Key Stage 3 to 4; Key Stage 4 to 5 (or to an apprenticeship or traineeship); or from Key Stage 5 to university or an apprenticeship or job.
How do parents and carers find out about the Progression Programme?
In Years 9 and 11 there are options evenings for parents and carers. Parents and carers are also contacted directly about the Progression Programme.
Parents and carers are welcome to attend our Progression Fair. Details are provided by text and / or letter nearer to the events.
What kind of careers support does Bridge provide for students?
Each Year group has key learning outcomes, these can be found at our Careers Programme. The entitlements and planned activities for each Year group are outlined in the Progression Programme Plan.
How can parents and carers support their child to think about life after Bridge in terms of apprenticeships, further education and university and other qualifications?
Students in Years 8-13 use an online platform that provides students with impartial and independent guidance on the full range of post-school options. It also helps students to explore their interests and different career pathways, find opportunities, compare every undergraduate university course in the UK as well as international opportunities, and access Further Education courses and a comprehensive list of apprenticeships. Parents and carers can also have their own Unifrog accounts, contact to register.
The Parents’ Guide to National Careers Week (NCW) 2023
Want to find out more? Visit our Progression Hub!