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Bridge Academy


The Student Council is a body of students who act as the official voice of the student body, and who contribute significantly to the running of the Academy. They offer their opinions and ideas on a variety of matters and plan and deliver activities that help fellow students and the wider community. Student Voice is extremely important at the Bridge Academy. The Student Council encourages students to be active citizens by building self-confidence, respect for others, decision making and leadership skills. 


The Student Council consists of our Head Students, Deputy Head Students, Senior Prefects (Year 11) and one Student Council Representative from each Tutor Group in Years 7-10. Head Students, Deputies and Prefects are selected through a rigorous selection process involving a letter of application and an interview with the Principal and other members of SLT. Student Council Representatives are democratically elected by members of their Tutor Group.



Head Students wear their unique black blazers with purple trim, giving them a clear, distinctive look around the Academy. All members of the Student Council can be identified by badges and ties, which they all wear with pride. Student Council meetings are held at least once a half term. 

Student Leadership, UBS Leadership and Development Day, Oct 2023


Student Council Leadership Training Day at UBS


Student Council Cultural Evening, July 2022

 An evening celebrating the cultural diversity of our Academy community through performances, food, fashion show and fun, organised by our Student Council. Thank you to Anntoinette Bramble, Deputy Mayor of Hackney, for being our guest speaker

Our student leaders giving speeches and acting as tour guides to at our open evening


Sixth Form Student Leadership

We also have a Sixth Form Student Leadership team consisting of our Sixth Form Head Students, Deputy Head Students and Prefects




Mr Chris Brown

Vice Principals:
Kelly Harris
Samuel Alner
Alison Underwood

Finance &
Resources Director:

Ken Robb