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Bridge Academy

Welcome to the LIBRARY corner!

"When in doubt, go to the library."
—Ron Weasley in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


The library is the literal heart of Bridge Academy! It is located at the centre of the school, and the open plan design and clear organisation allow for easy access. The library has areas for reading, study, board games, and computer work.

Bridge Academy Library’s mission is to support all students through promoting both reading for pleasure and reading to develop stronger curriculum knowledge and research skills.

Library Webpage: Click here to view our Library Webpage and browse our catalogue.

The Bridge Academy Library is a resource for all students from Year 7 to Year 13.

Library Hours

Term time only.

Mon-Wed: 8:30AM - 4:30PM

Thur: 8:30AM - 2:30PM

Fri 8:30AM - 4:30PM

Students can access the library during library lessons, break, lunch, or after school.  

Library Loans and Returns

Each student can have 2 books checked out at a time.

  1. Books have a two-week loan period.
    1. Books can be renewed up to 3 times.
  2. Manga and comics have a 2-day loan period.
    1. Manga and comics cannot be renewed.

To return a book, drop it in the returns box at the front of the library, or bring it to the circulation desk where a student librarian can help you. 

Library Collections 

How do I find a book that I want?

  1. For fiction, figure out which genre you like (Horror, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Comedy) and browse that section! Or, if it’s nonfiction you enjoy, use the Dewey Decimal system to locate the topic of your choice (600s is Science, 900s is History, 700s is Art and Sport, etc)
  2. Use the online catalogue to look at most popular books/new books that have been added, and to reserve books you’d like to check out. 

If you can’t find anything you’d like to read... talk to the librarian!

Library Expectations

There are some rules that you must adhere to when working or browsing for books in the library:

  • Use appropriate indoor voices.
  • No food allowed in the library, only water.
  • No phones.
  • Computers are for homework only.
  • Move safely around the library.
  • Follow the instructions given by the librarian and staff in the library. 

Reading for Pleasure 

Mission: Students should have access to a wide range of literature, both fiction and nonfiction, to pursue their interests and engage their creativity.

We have over 8,000 books in our growing collection and regularly update stock with the newest literature.  

To promote reading for pleasure, the library runs monthly themes and challenges. Some recent themes and challenges were: 

October 2024

  • Theme: Haunting Horrors and Gothic Reads
  • Challenge: Poetry Recitation 

November 2024

  • Theme: Memoirs (National History Month)
  • Challenge: Reading a world wars book for Remembrance Day
  • Challenge: Participating in the politics and government quiz 

December 2024

  • Theme: My Wishlist
  • Challenge: Waterstones Book Reviews

 The library also runs monthly events, such as author visits, book swaps, and more. Keep an eye out for the library monthly flyer to stay up to date!


February 2025 Library Update:

Reading to Develop Strong Curricular Skills

Mission: Students should be able to access further reading related to their coursework and pursue research interests. 

We have a strong collection of books and written materials for students to improve their knowledge, particularly for the core disciplines. We are looking to expand our online offering through articles and research publications. Keep an eye on this space in the coming year!  

Contact and Questions

Our librarian is Livia Bartels. She can be contacted by email at lbartels@tbah.uk. Our literacy coordinator is Harriet Walsh who can be contacted by email at hwalsh@tbah.uk.

Parents have the opportunity to meet with either the librarian or literacy coordinator at Parents' Evenings and Open Evenings. Parents can also contact Livia or Harriet to request additional information.  

Bridge Academy Library


Mr Chris Brown

Vice Principals:
Kelly Harris
Samuel Alner
Alison Underwood

Finance &
Resources Director:

Ken Robb