Our award-winning partnership with UBS is based on a shared ambition to build a continuous programme that gives students, staff, and UBS employees superb opportunities to work and learn together.
Through a combination of volunteer time and financial support, our partnership with UBS (a global financial services firm) has a valuable impact on our students especially in terms of personal development and careers learning.
UBS helps us to offer a richly academic, varied and exciting curriculum.
UBS volunteers help to bring A Level Mathematics to life through workshops such as how statistics are used in business. The weekly Mathematics Club provides regular support for selected students in Year 7 and 8.
As part of our partnership, at Key Stage 3, every student can learn a musical instrument, perform as part of a large ensemble, and watch a live music performance.
Our Music Department has exceptional facilities providing a professional and hi-tech space for our students to rehearse and perform: an acoustically designed state of the art 420-seater Performance Hall containing first-class sound and lighting equipment, a high-quality acoustic recording suite; a Mac suite and music technology lab.
Students benefit from unique opportunities and links with professionals and specialists, and 'real-life' insights, that broaden horizons and enhance the curriculum beyond that which can normally be offered by a school.
Specialist support
- Students benefit from our partnership with the Laburnum Boat Club and funding for specialist PE coaches.
- Spanish language students benefit from language support from fluent speakers.
Sixth Form students benefit from:
- Mentoring support from Mathematics and Physics graduates
- Maths workshops on the use of statistics in business, how differentiation is used on the trading floor
- Technology experts connect classroom learning to the workplace
- Insights from UBS economists
- Geography workshop on tackling climate change by UBS sustainability experts. UBS's 5 Broadgate Office won UK Most Sustainable Building of the Year Award 2017.
Superb resources
UBS has provided funds and fundraised for Bridge, making the Academy a great place to learn.
Our cutting edge Sixth Form building provides a dedicated space for Year 12 and 13 students and has an additional suite of Macs with industry standard software for our Media courses.
Funding from UBS means that we have our own full-time Higher Education and Careers Manager - few schools can provide this.
Additional funding means our Programme also benefits from contributions from Bridge alumni and a range of expert organisations.
The partnership with UBS also provides our students with regular contact with the world of work in a variety of ways. See our Progression Programme.
Our unique partnership with UBS means that we can offer a remarkable range of opportunities for our students to pursue and develop their interests, contribute to the community, and nurture their creativity, artistic, and sporting talents, and develop the personal attributes they need to succeed in later life.
Our aim is to help students develop new skills, enhance student learning, and enjoy new experiences.
With funds from UBS, Bridge offers a wide range of activities for students including: Debating Society from Year 7, the SportInspired Young Leaders programme for Year 9s, various school trips, and Sixth Form dinners at UBS.
We provide extensive support to students responding to their diverse learning and social needs.
We want all our students to receive the academic and pastoral support they need to succeed.
Our staff work with students, individually and in groups, to ensure full access to learning. They are supported by our in-house Key Stage 3 counselling service run by Place2Be - the leading children's mental health charity which helps to improve the emotional well-being of students, families, teachers, and school staff. Since 2010 UBS employees have raised over £350,000 for Place2Be at the Bridge - enabling them to provide counselling services three days a week to Bridge students.
UBS fundraising also supports the ARC which provides selected students with additional support and guidance to ensure they realise their potential. For some Bridge students the ARC provision is transformational.
Each year students from Years 7-8 improve their Reading and Maths skills at the weekly Breakfast Clubs supported by UBS volunteers.
UBS funds specialist support for essential skills from Literacy Pirates and Ministry of Stories, and a specialist transition teacher to support students as they move from primary to secondary school.
Unique opportunity for Year 13 students
Year 13s can apply for the UBS-Bridge Bursary. Successful applicants receive £6,000 during their first year at university and a ten-week paid summer internship at UBS, in departments ranging from Asset Management, Global Banking, Global Markets, Group Risk, and Group Technology.
Five Bridge alumni now work at UBS, two joined the graduate programme, two the apprenticeship programme and one started as a school leaver.
Several UBS Managing Directors are Bridge governors bringing a range of skills and expertise to the Governing Body. UBS sustainability specialists are contributing to Bridge's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and improve the local biodiversity. UBS technology experts work closely with Bridge's IT team, and UBS's Pride Network support a range of LGBTQ+ initiatives.
Every day we see the benefits to students and staff of this exceptional partnership with UBS. Student's lives are being changed because of it.